This Monday (February 4th) was National Sickie Day, and once again I was invited by an array of leading UK radio stations to discuss how employers can combat so many people pulling ‘sickies’.
There were an estimated 350,000 absences from work on the first Monday of February in the UK last year, so it is a serious issue…
Employees are less likely to come into work if they don’t enjoy the environment, but a healthy company culture where everyone is valued can significantly reduce sickies from occurring.
Below, you can listen to some of my interviews on the topic and find out how we can abolish the sickie once and for all!
BBC Radio Humberside
There were an estimated 350,000 absences from work on the first Monday of February in the UK last year, so it is a serious issue…
Employees are less likely to come into work if they don’t enjoy the environment, but a healthy company culture where everyone is valued can significantly reduce sickies from occurring.
Below, you can listen to some of my interviews on the topic and find out how we can abolish the sickie once and for all!
BBC Radio Humberside
BBC Radio Jersey
BBC Radio Lancashire
Love Sport Radio
BBC Radio Kent